27 days old
25 days old
Meanwhile the puppies check our everything they can reach: the strange floor with texture as well as the "hedgehog", the tunnel was passed and the rocking board conquered - they did even drink water from the bowl, this was pure excitement.
We are very proud to have "inherited" this great food bar I knew for many many years, belonging to the kennel where Abs comes from. Our Pri (Ch. Assiduitas Pride'N Joy) sired the last litter from this long time and sucessfull kennel and now Abs's puppies will eat from that bowl. Thanks!
Abs is having a litte "holiday" in my office
24 days old
Many exciting things happening all the time: now we have regularly visitors and the pups enjoy to check out everything and to be cuddled.
And they started to eat from the huge bowl - ok, manners can still be improved, but we are working on that ;)
After that they are just tired to death....
22 days old
The week had an exciting beginnig: the puppies moved to the puppy room!
They are more active now and therefore need more space...and they try to find some place for their potty trip outside their bed.