42 days old
The week had a great start: all our puppies have bilateral hearing (BAER +/+)!
We got a fancy new "toy"
Once In A Blue Moon checking the strange thing
Later Ovomaltine got her neck cleaned
43 days old
44 & 45 days oldt
47 days old
Today some gardening was scheduled and of course our puppies have been a huuuge help when it came to digging and weeding.
In the afternoon we had visitors again and so the small and big dogs got some cuddles.
48 days old
Off we went in the car, spending some lovely sunny hours in the woods, equipped with a picnic basket, a blanket and some two and four legged buddies.
We also had an "Almost-Dalmatian" with us
Fina, the most beautiful Almost-dalmatian ever...
The youngster are exploring the woods
One of the rare cases, when rubbish in the woods is a kind of fun