13 days old
Nanny Naemi also loves puppy cuddles and Lava seems to be happy about some support.
Meanwhile some eyes opened and there is a lot of "talking" and walking around.
11 days old
I took the "good camera" today.....just some cute pics.
If the weather is fine when we are having a quick walk outside with Lava, she enjoys lying down in the yard. She is not very fond of warmth, so she enjoys being outside the whelping box.
Now there is some mobility progress in little ones. They still don't see anything, but they start "talking", toddling around and sniffing.
Lots of action means a lot of hunger and fatigue.
8 days old
Our puppies are growing nicely and doubled their weight easily. Lava is a totally relaxed and gorgeous mom. We spend a lot of time cuddling the puppies...puppy smell is just something special!
Our patch, a liver spotted boy
"Midnight", liver spotted male
"Bluebeige", black spotted male
"Christmas", liver spotted girl