26 days old
We have fun in the puppy room! The puppies explore a lot, they have to face several accoustic input, e.g. daily vacuum cleaning, we have visitors and also Abs and Rani help entertaining the little ones. Lava does also enjoy a calm moment in my office, shared with her best buddies and without kids.
We spotted something very special: this little guy takes the X-litter thing really serious! No question that his name has to be "Assiduitas X Marks The Spot"!
24 days old
Today was a very exciting day! The puppies moved to the puppy house as they have quite active moments already and needed more space. After the first reluctant step out of the bed they checked the whole room quickly and enjoyed all the things to explore. Abs and Rani were joining them, too, and all had lots of fun.
The pups love their puppy basket and try all strange sleeping positions possible.
The owner od daddy TJ also visited us today and brought a handmade octopus, which is mainly a pillow at the moment but also had to face some chewing puppy jaws already...
Later they also got the first meal from a bowl (so far only out of my hand), which was another huge excitement.
22 days old